Monday, 11 May 2009

We're setting this blog up to try out the software and consider whether we could maintain a UKCoRR committee blog, to report to our membership.

Last week I attended the JISC Repositories and Preservation Programme meeting. I was there as the manager of a start-up repository, funded under that programme, but I was asked to present on working with the repositories community, so it was a great opportunity for me to plug the UKCoRR and explain how I think it fits in with RSP, Sherpa and the jisc-repositories mailing list. The first day of the conference was also the date we launched our survey of UKCoRR members, and this week it really feels as though my role as Chair of the UKCoRR is starting in earnest. We were quick to meet as a committee, after having been appointed, but what with the Easter break and wanting to prepare content to put out to the membership, we have been working very much apart from the members until this week. Now we are beginning to hear more about what our members want, and opportunities may arise out of contacts I made at the JISC meeting, for me to represent repository managers' concerns more widely. There is so much that we could or should do, and I'm very keen to prioritise, in order to keep my aims realistic!


  1. UKCoRR has been fairly quiet as an organisation recently so I think it was really useful Jenny that you were able to represent UKCoRR at this meeting.

  2. I have just been to a presentation given by Rebecca Mogg, (Senior Subject Librarian Information Services, Bute Library, Cardiff University) on Pod casting and was wondering if you may also be going down this route to disseminate any information in the future.

  3. I am interested in podcasting, but there are no UKCoRR committee plans to begin a series in the near future.
