Though the emphasis of SWORDv2, like it's predecessor, is on research outputs, it will surely also impact on teaching and learning materials - including OER - and the respective systems used to manage them whether dedicated repositories like Jorum or VLEs and other LMSs; as noted by CETIS' John Robertson in a recent post the "development [is] focused on scholarly works but extending the profile to support CRUD functionality and ongoing interaction around content and use of content between users and repository is an important step towards richer tools and services"
Development will first document the use cases that SWORDv2 needs to fulfil before developing the new standard and implementing it across the main repository platforms. Naturally the project would value input from UKCoRR and we have been invited, as a community, to review and comment on the requirements and specification as they evolve. Keep an eye on the blog at and for the more technically minded there is a mailing list that you can subscribe to at (where you can also browse the archive.)
In addition, UKCoRR is very pleased to welcome Richard Jones, the Technical Lead for the SWORDv2 project, to our membership meeting on Friday 25th February at the University of Salford (register here). Richard is a core developer of the DSpace platform and also Head of Repository systems at Symplectic Ltd currently working on the RePOSIT project which aims to “increase uptake of a web-based repository deposit tool embedded in a researcher-facing publications management system.”
We are especially keen for colleagues to bring their deposit wish-lists and use-cases to the February meeting
N.B. RePOSIT is one of three projects funded under the Deposit strand of JISC's current Information Environment Programme 2009-11 which also includes DepositMO: Modus Operandi for Repository Deposits which is "creating a repository deposit workflow connecting the user’s computer desktop, especially popular apps such as MS Office, with digital repositories based on EPrints and DSpace" and will liaise closely with Microsoft and DURA – Direct User Repository Access "a collaboration between Mendeley, Symplectic and CARET and the Library at the University of Cambridge"