Friday, 27 May 2011

Survey: Annual metrics collection for SCONUL & UK Repositories

As it happens my boss is chair of the SCONUL Chair of Performance Measures group and we've been talking about the SCONUL annual stats return. As many of you remember last year this tried to include repository download numbers for full-text items. I know from conversations I had with various people in the community that what they asked for wasn't realistically collectible, or at least wasn't last year.

However, SCONUL remains keen to be able to demonstrate what the UK repository community is delivering in their findings for 2011. She wanted to know if it was possible to isolate full-text downloads/accesses as discrete from total accesses, as she thinks the former is a more valuable figure.

For my own part I'm still not certain that I can create these figures for my local repository, or at least not without a lot of tech time investigating (something that with all the CRIS work we've got going on isn't really going to be an option). But what about the rest of the community?

Yes, that's right - this is a plea for information!

If you could take a minute or two to complete the following survey it would be very much appreciated and may help shape SCONUL's requests for this year into a more realistic metric! Which I'm sure we could all agree would be a positive move for the community.

The survey is here:

If you're unable to access the Survey Monkey site please get in touch with me and I'll I'll email you a copy of the questions. I'll blog about the results this time next week - so get clicking and thanks