Wednesday, 23 June 2010

'Cafe Society' element to the next UKCoRR meeting?

Finally, the new UKCoRR Committee met in cyberspace yesterday to welcome the new committee members and to discuss forthcoming actions and issues.

As the agenda steered around to the next UKCoRR membership meeting, we wondered what you would all like from it. Networking is an obvious point, and we will be sure to build in enough time for longer coffee break and a good lunch break.

Another point that came up was whether we should have a 'Cafe Society' element to the day. The Welsh Repository Network team used this format at their recent CRIS event, and I believe this was popular and successful. Would a similar format be of benefit at a UKCoRR meeting, perhaps split around different topics. If so, then what are the hot topics you'd like to discuss? Do drop me or any of the UKCoRR committee a line to let us know what you'd like! You can get me at or on 0115 846 7544.

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